The 16th Research Forum Cryogenic Research Center
About Annual Research Meeting

We are pleased to announce that the 16th Research Forum Cryogenic Research Center will take place at Koshiba Hall, (Bldg. 1 Faculty of Science), on February 17, 2025.
This is an interdisciplinary research meeting for young researchers such as graduate students and postdoctoral fellows.
The meeting will consist of oral and poster sessions, covering the latest research which contains the low temperature science such as experimental results using liquid cryogens or joint-use equipment/laboratories.
The best presentation award and the best poster award will be conferred for the young researchers who made an excellent presentation.
We expect many young researchers will present their interesting results.
Award Ceremony and Conference Dinner will be held after the research meeting. We hope many people will participate. You can communicate with other users and the members of Cryogenic Research Center.
■ Program
■ Abstract book(50MB)
Date and Venue
■ Date: Feb. 17. 2025 (Mon.)
9:30 〜 18:00 (Oral and Poster Sessions)
18:00 〜 20:00 (Award Ceremony and Conference Banquet)
■ Venue:
Koshiba Hall (Bldg. 1 Faculty of Science, 2F)
Please apply with the following information
UTokyo account ID, Name, E-Mail address, Affiliation(s) (laboratory), Position, for presenters Title and keywords
Submission Deadline: Jan. 24 (Fri.), 2025 Feb. 5 (Wed.), 2025 Extended
- Any presentation of various research fields will be accepted to our meeting, if it contains the low temperature science.
The results obtained by using our cryogen, Joint-Use Laboratories, or Joint-Use Equipment would be appreciated.
- Author preferences will considered, however the final decision on oral session will be made by the Committee.
Basically, the author of oral presentation will be assigned to one contribution for one laboratory.
The number of posters will not be limited. Authors of oral presentations will be allotted 15 minutes to present their results, followed by a 5 minute discussion period.
- The size of poster board is 170cm height, and 110cm width
Abstract submission
The abstract template is available here:(
MS Word、
Please upload your abstract in PDF format from the upload page below.
File name should be your name - date submitted, and version No. (NAME-YYYY-MM-DD-VXX)
Upload page
Submission Deadline: Feb. 7. (Fri.), 2025
The "Best Presentation Award" and the "Best Poster Award" are conferred for young researcher who made the best presentation.
The award ceremony will be held at the conference dinner and all oral and poster presenters are encouraged to attend the conference dinner.
Award Ceremony and Conference Dinner
Fees: \ 3,000 (A dinner fee is collected at the conference site)
Free for the students who attend the conference sessions.
Executive committee: Cryogenic Research Center
e-mail : conference[-at-]