The 9th Research Meeting of Cryogenic Research Center
■ Venue: Ito International Research Center

■ Date:

Meeting  Oral Sessions  Feb. 20. 2018 (Tue.)  13:00 17:20  B2  Ito Hall
 Poster Sessions  Feb. 21. 2018 (Wed.)    9:30 11:30  B2  Event Space
Memorial  Ceremony  13:30 15:00  B2  Ito Hall
 Lecture  15:15 17:30  B2  Ito Hall
 Party  18:00 20:00  B2  Event Space


Abstract book   (about 8MB)

 “The 9th Research Meeting of Cryogenic Research Center” was held at Ito International Research Center, from February 20 (Tue.) to 21 (Wed.). This year was the 50th anniversary of the establishment of cryogenic research center. The research meeting, thus, was held as 50th anniversary memorial project. There were 11 oral presentations and 58 poster presentations from graduate schools of Engineering, Science, Agricultural and Life Science, The University of Tokyo Hospital and Cryogenic Research Center. In this research meeting, we could come in touch with the forefront study of the various fields, which is widely using the cryogen. In this year, the 10 company booths were exhibited during the poster session. And we could see various exhibitions about cryogenic technology.
 The best oral presentation was awarded to Le Duc Anh (assistant professor, Tanaka Gr., Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Systems, Graduate School of Engineering). The best poster presentations were awarded to Masayuki Takayama (DC2, Shimano Gr., Dept. of Physics, Graduate School of Science), Ryoma Kaneko (MC2, Tokura Gr., Dept. of Applied Physics, Graduate School of Engineering) and Xuan Shi (PD, Laboratory of basic science on Healthy and Longevity from medical, foods, farming, exercise and lifestyle, Dept. of Applied Biological Chemistry, Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Science).

Oral sessions.

Poster sessions.

Award Winners
From the left, Masayuki Takayama, Xuan Shi (awarded best poster presentation), Prof. Shin-ichi Ohkoshi (Director of Cryogenic Research Center), Ryoma Kaneko, (awarded best poster presentation) and Le Duc Anh, (awarded best oral presentation)
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