The 5th Research Meeting of Cryogenic Research Center
■ Date: Feb. 27. 2014 (Thu)
          9:30 〜 17:45 (Oral and Poster Session)
          18:00 〜 20:00 (Award Ceremony and Conference Banquet)
■ Place: Koshiba Hall (No. 98 Bldg.1 Faculty of Science)  
abstract book   (約14.5MB)

 On Feb. 27. 2014, “The 5th Research Meeting of Cryogenic Research Center” was held at Koshiba Hall. This is interdisciplinary research forum for those younger researchers such as graduate students and postdoctoral fellows, who are using liquid cryogens and/or joint-use equipments/laboratories and they present latest research results. There has been increasing number of presentations and participants year by year, this time with 10 oral presentations and 46 poster presentations. In addition, we organized “special lecture” by Prof. Takashi Onaka (Department of Astronomy, Graduate School of Science) and by Associate Professor Atsushi Asamitsu (Research and Development Division, Cryogenic Research Center). 117 Participants joined from 6 Graduate Schools/Center as Engineering, Science, Agricultural and Life Sciences, Pharmaceutical Sciences, Complex Science and Engineering, and Cryogenic Research Center. Stimulated by the contents of presentations from various field of studies, the participants placed active questions.
 Awards to celebrate younger researchers who gave out excellent presentation were decided consequent on rigorous judge. The best oral presentation was awarded to Ryohei Takayanagi (MC2, Asamitsu Lab., Dept. of Applied Physics, Graduate School of Engineering), The best poster presentations were awarded to Ryosuke Sei (MC2, Hasegawa Lab., Dept. of Chemistry, Graduate School of Science) and to Ryuji Suzuki (MC2, Iwasa Lab., Dept. of Applied Physics, Graduate School of Engineering) respectively.
 After the sessions, conference banquet started with an address of Director of CRC Prof. Hiroshi Fukuyama, and then Prof. Masashi Kawasaki (Dept. of Applied Physics, Graduate School of Engineering) gave an address and toast representing the users. In a congenial atmosphere valuable information exchange among cryogen users with each other and with CRC-staffs were taken care of. After the introduction of CRC-staffs, the conferment ceremony of awards were proceeded in the latter half. To realize Research Meeting CRC to be more substantial interdisciplinary research meeting from the next year on, we appreciate your cooperation in advance.

Snapshot of oral sessions.

Poster sessions.

Conference banquet.

Award Winners.
From the left, Ryosuke Sei (awarded best poster presentation), Ryohei Takayanagi, (awarded best oral presentation), Prof. Hiroshi Fukuyama (Director of Cryogenic Research Center) and Ryuji Suzuki (awarded best poster presentation).

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